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How do you locate a septic tank?


We have a probing rod that we use to locate your tank. For tanks that are harder to find, we reach out to the town office that you live in and request any septic plans they may have on file for your home.  When both of those methods do not get us the information we need, we have a small device called a sonde that we put into the pipes from your basement going out to the tank.  We then use a wand which picks up the frequency that the sonde is transmitting and that can also help us locate your tank.


What is in your septic tank?


There are three main layers in your septic tank.  The top layer is known as the scum layer.  This layer is composed of materials that float on water such as grease, oils, and fats.  The middle layer is your effluent, is a grey colored water and has the suspended solids. The bottom layer is known as the sludge layer.  This is the thickest portion of your tank and consists of the bulk of the solids that go into your tank.

How often should I pump my septic tank?


There are a lot of contributing factors that go into this answer.  The best and most common answer is it should be pumped about every two years.  Some people with certain medical conditions, such as cancer should have their system pumped every year.  Another consideration is how much the system gets used.  A house with a bigger family is going to need to be pumped every two years or maybe less, where a couple will be able to extend that period a year or so.  Also, something to take into consideration is a tank that is used on a regular day to day basis is healthier than a tank that is used only on the weekends.

What is a riser and why are they important?


Some septic tanks can be deep in the ground. Anything that is deeper than 12” should have a riser installed on it. A riser is simply a plastic tub that goes over the opening hole in the septic tank.  It is secured in place by dirt. A plastic lid is then secured on the top with screws. Once installed it gives the homeowner and the septic pumper easier access to your tank.


What are baffles?​


Baffles are found inside your septic tank on either side of the inlet and the outlet pipes.  Their function is to help with the flow of wastewater.  It will dispense the water down into the bottom of the tank and help regulate the flow of that water out into the field.  Baffles also help to stop the solids in the tank from going into the field.

How do I locate my leach field?


This process is similar to looking for your septic tank.  Plans are really important.



How do you know if your leach field is healthy?


This should be done by a trained septic inspector; however, a homeowner will observe slower drainage, rising water, increasing plant growth where the field is located, and developing odors.

What are the different types of leach fields?


In the state of New Hampshire, we have four common types of fields.  The most common is stone and pipe. The other types are dry wells, cesspools, and Large Diameter Gradeless Pipe (these include such brand names as Presby). Other common types are Concrete Chambers, Plastic Chambers, and Eljens. Some of these have different names but perform the same function.


How do I promote the life of my septic system?


Your septic system is living, breathing environment.  Just because something says that it is flushable it really may not be.  The best way to think about it, is if you would not put it in your body, then you should not flush it down your tank.

What do you charge to pump out a septic tank?
Prices vary, depending on system size and complexity.

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